Bertrand Russell wrote in his "History of Western Philosophy" describing John Locke, the following:
He makes a great deal of the imperishable character of the precious metals, which, he says, are the source of money and inequality of fortune. He seems, in an abstract and academic way, to regret economic inequality, but he certainly does not think that it would be wise to take such measures as might prevent it. No doubt he was impressed, as all the men of his time were, by the gains to civilization that were due to rich men, chiefly as patrons of art and letters. The same attitude exists in modern America, where science and art are largely dependent upon the benefactions of the very rich. To some extent, civilization is furthered by social injustice. This fact is the basis of what is most respectable in conservatism.
I didn't understand the connection he made between conservatism and what he mentions about social injustice and inequality.
What does he mean by "This fact is the basis of what is most respectable in conservatism" ?