The first mistake is to ask about Buddhism in a Philosophy ("knowledge") forum.
Philosophers think and ponder, rationalise and analyse. However, the Buddhist/Yogic way is to "look".
What is suffering? If you meditate on why you are driven to ask this question, your answer is probably there.
That is the Buddhist/Yogic way to attain enlightenment.
To put it in another way, enlightenment is already within you. The answer is already within you and around you. But you (and I), are clouded, diluted, distracted, confused by thousand thoughts, emotions, impulses.
So adding a bunch of other thoughts and questions will not lead to clarity - rather the opposite.
To sit, to concentrate, to observe deeply is the way to "see" the answer; the answer that is already there.
To put it in another way, Buddhism is experiential - Philosophy is knowledge and debate.
We can trade knowledge and debate all day about the experience of riding a bicycle - but only when you get on a bicycle and ride for yourself, you will know.