It's a little too easy in my mind to confuse Platos notion of the Good, from which the forms emanate from, of which one is the Beautiful, and the other is Justice; with other notions in ethics - ie Christian, or conventional everyday use that's it would be useful to have the Greek terms for these that Plato uses.

Also, does Plato use the term One as a synonym for the Good? And is his word for this the same as Parmenides?

1 Answer 1


The Greek terms are: good = agathos, beautiful = kalos, just = dikaios, the one = to hen, god = theos.

I do not remember any passage from Plato where he equates to hen = theos. I assume the apotheosis of to hen is due to later new-Platonic philosophy.

  • 1
    I would also doubt that Plato equated 'theos' to 'to hen'; and probably not Plotinus either; possibly with its synthesis in Christian theology. Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 15:25
  • Perhaps in Plato's Parmenides the arguments about the sole and eternal existence of the one can imply that one equals god and good (agatho).
    – John Am
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 1:09

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