Light isn't physical. If it would be, it wouldn't travel at the speed of light. As no physical object ever will, its relatively impossible. Not all is physical.
Now regard the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment:
Its results aren't explainable with the laws of physics. Its physically impossible. Yet its possible.
Now a great paradox: did physical things come into existence all the sudden, what was their origin? Don't they have an origin? Everything has an origin. What if (so apparently) physical objects are just sets of information bound by constraints, like a tree in a video game is. Would the player in the video game be able to tell that all physical objects in the game is all there is? Sure it will be able to, keeping itself within the bounds and constrains (laws) of the physical environment of the game. But its reality isn't ever becoming greater than that.
So if you wish to experience a larger/greater reality, that doesn't extend, but parents, this reality? Than you should beyond the constraints of the physical, and start experiencing the greater reality. Called mystical only by those who don't understand/experience the greater reality.