From what I can tell, it seems that the qualifiers for something to be considered living are based on biological criteria, with the limits of observation, being entirely based on spatial order of magnitude,a subject of observation presents itself to be governing it's own motion and behavior with it's environment, and has the implied purpose of reproducing others of it's likeness. So the first part of my question regarding is something alive or dead, is how do we as what we have self declared to be living things, consider our determination of being alive or dead when observing something surrounding us to be an empirically certain conclusion?
If you want suggest well, our definition is trivial and simply for reference sake, doesn't that exclude our observations that are based on experiments we do, that are limited by our senses?
And with regard to the sentience of a subject of observation, we would consider a spider that writes messages on it's web for and equally magical talking pig to read to both be sentient, yet how do we cast the judgement that an ordinary every day spider making a web to be devoid of sentience?
The demonstrated ability in applied mathematics of the average arachnid is exceeding superior to the demonstrated ability of such a thing by the average human being, so we may as well throw out first order logic or any mathematical basis to declare something to be sentient, otherwise, everything we don't consciously decide has to be excluded as evidence of sentience, like my my motivations for deciding to write this question in the first place for example.
Let me combine both parts of the question into one example, suppose you, as a self declared living sentient being, have an indefinite life time, and are observing an inanimate lead box.
How do you know that you will not at some point in the future, be deprived of the capacity to observe this box?
And if you concede that this is impossible for you to know, then you must concede that at a time after which you cease observing the box,it is just as likely as it is to remain the way you had observed, to unfold and awaken something much like yourself, capable of observation and supposed free will.