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Mark Andrews
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What's the reason to live in this life?

I'm just scared of life too much uk.

What will happen afterwards ? What is happening anyways right now ? Are we just some animals who high consciousness interacting with each other ?What is meaning anyways ? What is means to have a meaning ? What is life without a meaning if that's the case. It's just too... Hard.

If God is there. Where God came from ? What is our purpose by him ? If not , What are we.Looking at the future of life... People just want us to be work work. Only the human with highest potential is going to go forwards and what are we moving forwards ?

AI. Finishing human effort forever. What's out purpose then anyways ?What's a life worth lived ? Is any life worth lived ?I do have goals , things I want to do. But they are all rigged too. What happens after I die ? All the dreams , goals I was working on. All gone. What was the point of them ? No point.

Like I'm just forcefully manipulating myself to live a life.

It's like every step is rigged. Fear of death all the time. Humans manipulated to pursue money money to live. Like we live based on other humans who are above us or we can become one of them.This present and future just seems so disturbing.

And so does philosophy of life. It's just too weird.Like live to care for the inner child of past. Live for your parents.

Nothing seems like a argumentative enough objection for me to strive for living life.Idk if I have knowledge or I'm just stupid. Maybe I'm both.This hedonism and charvaka pursuit of life is good when you have sth already. But when you have to make sth for your ownself.

Idk what to sacrifice for , what to hard work for , what's the reason for me to live or exist

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