I'm reading Kuyk's book about the foundation of mathematics and its history. Talking about Plato, he says that
...But let us follow the track of the Greeks and their philosophy of mathematics. The next important development after Pythagoreanism in the philosophy of mathematics is that which Plato (428/7 - 348/7 B.C.) introduced. We can do no better than to quote one paragraph from Aristotle'sMetaphysics as to what this introduction was, how it related to what had gone on previous to Plato, and what an inherent difficulty lay in this position.
For, having in his (= Plato's) youth first become familiar with Cratylos and with the Herac1itean doctrines (that a11 sensible things are ever in a state of flux and there is no knowledge about them), these views he held even in later years. Socrates, however, was busying himself about ethical matters and neglecting the world of nature as a whole but seeking the universal in these ethical matters, and fixed thought for the first time on definitions; Plato accepted his teaching, but held that the problem applied not to sensible things but to entities of another kind - for this reason, that the common definition could not be a definition of any sensible thing, as they were always changing. Things of this other sort, then, he called IDEAS, and sensible things, he said, were a11 named after these, and in virtue of a relation to these; for the many existed by participation in the Ideas that have the same name as they. Only the name 'participation' was new; for the Pythagoreans say that things exist by 'imitation' of numbers, and Plato says they exist by participation, changing the name. But wh at the participation or imitation of the Forms could be they left an open question. (Book A, Chapter 1, 987 a 31 - b 13)
It is clear from this quotation that Plato was concerned with the foundation of true knowledge, which foundation he -and all the pre-Socratic thinkers - sought in the nature of things (ontology).
I know this question is very basic, but I'm very new to philosophy. According to the context, what does Kuyk mean by the term foundation in the last paragraph?
Thank you in advance for any guide.