Material Implication implication applies to two independent variables p and q, whereas Induction applies to Set of Related Elements.
See Truth Table of Implication(p->q) says that if, q is True, then, it doesn't really matter what p is, Implication is going to be True.
That is why we ONLY EVER prove k+1th part, the equivalent of q in logical equation, as if we are saying, we don't really care whether it holds for kth step as long as it holds for k+1th, actually meaning for any arbitrary member, which here is known as k+1th member because of how Induction is Defined.
AND we prove it for Base Case(0), because this memeber is different from other "arbitrary members" of the Set and is equivalent to p.
So while implication sys, p->q,
Induction says (Base Case(0)) ∧ (Arbitray Case(k+1th))->(True for Whole Set). And this Imlication Holds preisely because of the definition of Natural Numbers as The Relation between Base Case(0) and any Arbitrary Case(k+1th) is EXACTLY SAME as the Relation Between Base Case(0) and any Member Before or After K+1th Member.
Or Considering Base Case(0) as Base Case(0) and ALSO the kth Case, then if it applies to 0th/nth case AND it applies to next 0+1/k+1 member then it applies to all bacuse Relation between any two adjacent members is EXACTLY SAME(By Definition/Construction) as Relation between any two other Adjacent Pairs.
Is My understanding Correct?