The Peano axioms are dependent on first-order logic. In first-order logic, we already have the ability to make statements such as "for all n, P(n) implies P(n+1)" - except that "n+1" is not part of first-order logic and instead comes from Peano arithmetic. But n+1 is well-defined: it's just a neat way to write the successor operator, which is an explicit part of the Peano axioms.
Unfortunately, that's where we run out of luck. The problem you will then run into is that the standard induction axiom is actually an axiom schema. That is, there is a separate instance of the induction axiom for each possible choice of predicate. We have to do this, because first-order logic cannot say something like "for all predicates, ..." - you need second-order logic to make a statement like that. As a result, the induction axiom is a bit weirder than the other Peano axioms, but this sort of thing is not so uncommon in the broader context of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (see e.g. the axiom schema of specification).
Nevertheless, there's an easy way to sidestep all of this. Completely replace the induction axiom with the well-ordering principle, which is as follows:
The set of natural numbers is well-ordered under its usual ordering.
If you like, we can replace "well-ordered" with its definition, giving us this:
Every non-empty subset of the natural numbers has a least element, under the usual ordering.
"Under its usual ordering" just means that we consider 1 to be less than 2, which is less than 3, and so on, as one would expect. You could instead choose to order the numbers in some other way, which is why we have to specify that we're talking about the "usual" ordering. Although our "and so on" may sound like a handwave, you can rigorously specify this if desired.
In my opinion, this axiom seems like it should be relatively uncontroversial. Try playing around with different subsets of the positive integers. It should be fairly obvious that, even if you use an infinite subset, you still always have a smallest element, right?
Now, how is this equivalent to mathematical induction? Well, to prove something with induction, we usually do something like this:
- Prove that some predicate P holds for 1 (or for 0, if you consider 0 to be natural), which we write as P(1) or P(0).
- Prove that P(n) implies P(n+1), most often by conditional proof.
- Use the axiom of mathematical induction to conclude that P(n) holds for all natural numbers.
Here's how we would do this with the well-ordering principle:
- As before, prove P(1) or P(0).
- As before, prove that P(n) implies P(n+1).
- Take the contrapositive, to get not P(n+1) implies not P(n). If it is more convenient, we may choose to skip step (2) and prove this statement directly.
- Assume that there exists a nonempty set S consisting of all counterexamples, i.e. positive integers for which P(n) does not hold.
- By the well-ordering principle, S must have a smallest element. Call that element k.
- By (1), k > 1 or k > 0, so k-1 is a natural number.
- By (3), not P(k) implies not P(k-1). So k is not actually the smallest element of S, creating a contradiction.
- By reductio ad absurdum, S must be empty.