This came to me as a generalization of another question:
What does the algorithm matter, if the input-output game plus performance is the same?
And lead me to a rabbit hole of following philosophical conclusions:
(I go top-down. So, don't stop just after the first statements. Explanation follows.)
Everything is real.
Reality is effect.
We observe and measure things by their effects.
Falsehoods, illusions, delusions, the hypothetical, abstract concepts have an effect larger than 0. Therefore, falsehoods, illusions, delusions, the hypothetical, abstract concepts are real. Real by the effect they exert.
A square circle is real by the effect larger than 0 it just took onto your thoughts.
Your thoughts affect your actions. Your actions affect your environment.
Superstitions and false believes shaped the state of our society significantly.
Lies have utility.
It would be ignorant to call these things unreal while being influenced by it.
It would be ignorant to say real is what persists regardless your believes, as a lot of ideologies and abstract concepts persisted (by their effect) and will continue to persist longer than any physical object.
Now separate essence and effect.
Here essence are the internal things and processes of the object that create an external effect.
Here effect is the difference to the world, where this effect does not apply.
What does it matter if:
an object O
- has essence E1 and effect A1
- has essence E2 and effect A1
- has no essence and effect A1 (hypothetical and impossible case)
- has essence E1 and no effect
- has essence E2 and no effect
- has essence E1 and effect A2
- has essence E2 and effect A3
In case 1,2 and 3 the worlds progress to the same states.
In case of 4 and 5 the worlds progress to the same state.
In case of 6 and 7 the worlds progress to different states.
It seems that effect matters, essence doesn't.
Although, of course, the essence causes the effect and obviously just affected my actions writing you about it.
However, you may have different essences creating the same effect, right?