I have been doing some self reflection, and questions keep arising. In this post I want to ask "are my memories part of the thing that is me, or are they part of my mind, and thus separate from me?" I don't think the question implies a false dichotomy.
If my memories are part of me, then I change significantly from day to day.
If my memories aren't part of me, then my mind changes significantly from day to day.
What model of self best answers the question?
I can remember or forget memories. But they are always there, barring brain damage, Alzheimer's, senility, etc., thus implying a stability of sorts. Memories can extend back to infancy, perhaps for some individuals to inside the womb.
Logically, they either are or aren't a part of me. A model of self should answer the question.
By self I mean the part of the brain that becomes self aware when I dream or awaken, but this meaning may well be debatable, depending on what model of self you use. In any comprehensive theory of self, the self senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) experiences emotion, thinks, imagines, and wills or desires. If I've left anything out, please include it in your answer.