Recently I ran across this amusing but thought provoking CGI video supposedly by Zak Field (can't find the original page, so apologies for the Facebook link).
In it, the "alien" being questioned refers to "so called life":
Death is a human construct. It does not exist. You will experience and have experienced every instance of so called life. You. Me. Him. We are instances of the same life, separated by what you call death.
To put it another way, "life" is merely that singular entity observing from every potential point of consciousness. When one point of consciousness "dies" we/it move to the next to observe. Right now, "I" may be observing but in "my" future this body dies and then "I" start observing at a different point in time when a new organism that can support consciousness "comes online". This would be you, the person reading this, and it would start at the time you are capable of having subjective experience because the movement of this singular lone consciousness (you/me/us) would not follow a linear progression from one seat of consciousness to the next. Basically, infinite reincarnation into every possible life form independent of time.
Is this a particular school of thought on consciousness and is there a name for it?
I've contemplated this same theory independently for a while now but have not been able to figure out if it relates to anything formal in philosophy. To see it in this video was a pleasant surprise, but I'd like a handy classification to associate with it if there is one.