I know the first thing you may be thinking upon reading this, but there's more to this than you may have assumed. This is not one of those crazy questions where ego-driven maniacs simply call themselves "God" or something and think they are super. Basically, I just wonder if I (yes, just me or I -- not broadly speaking or referring to others) am actually a unique individual because of my ability to perceive the world and see it. I don't assume others cannot see the world, but I can't prove it/know it for certain. If I cannot prove others perceive/see the world as I do, could I just be like a "God" or a rare individual put on Earth/the universe? For example, I have truly wondered whether other people are as "real" as I am or capable of being as "real" as I am. Other people live and die, but I have yet to die.
Am I immortal? Can anyone prove it? I am the only person capable of experiencing the world because I live within my own so-called body and mind. I cannot see the world through other people or as other people. I can't escape my own body or mind (or can I?) Why should I definitely believe that the world or other so-called perceptions outside of me are real or similar to me? After all, I am just me and only I can experience the world with proof. You may be reading this right now and thinking, "This guy is crazy! I'm experiencing the world too." But are you really doing so? Maybe the whole world is just an illusion and I'm the only "real" thing in it? Nothing proves otherwise to me. After all, I'm the only perceiving existence I am sure of (or maybe I don't exist either?). One thing's for certain that I know:
1.Nothing outside of my perception is inherently real to me (with undeniable/irrefutable proof).
2.Nobody besides me is perceptible because only I am perceptible (from my perception).
3.I was born in this body and mind only once and now (supposedly). I don't perceive the world or see it as others supposedly do. Isn't it possible that I'm the only real or "special" existence in this universe? I don't know of any other provable perceptions besides my own. Realistically, couldn't I be God? A deity? A special being? Immortal? Again, nothing or nobody but me can prove perception.