In plain Eng it is impossible for now.
Because the word race natural mean was censored after WW2. And modern meaning "race" is not same as it historical etymology meaning, cuz "racism".
What was race, that is simple definition of humans distinction by... the color of the skin: black, white, red, yellow and Australian(but not Australian white people, but aboriginal. Why it is happened? When European sailors came to other countries they ll saw different between the humans. This distinctions in that mind was connected to the continents. There was 3 distinctions - white-european from Europe, black-negros from Africa, and yellow-chinese/hindus/arabian - Asia. Race was an Eng word that mean run from that side(continent). I think association with continent land was the main, but the second was the color of skin. Then America was discovered - and was founded the forth race of red-skin people - indians. Indians.. heh.. That was a mistake by Columbus, he thought that he came to India. That is why we have indias in America and hindus in India. But look little back, maybe, Indian's people was senses as 4 race before america discovery. The problem, that people not had the Internet and Wiki, and thay needed another not accurate distinction of friend / foe. And it is strange for me why arabian are not associated historically with any race-skin-color.
One more strange thing needed to say: all continents have names began from A-letter - Asia, Africa, America(both), Australia. What is wrong with Europe? Have you remembered about Atlantis?
European people interpret own race as Atlantis running. The last continent fallow this logic is Antarctic.
Okey, that is a lyric. We have last country of round earth - Globus - Australian with... green color.
This color race symbolic is on Olimpic emblem, also all the continents represented on UN emblem, but without color cuz it got only after WW2(1947).
Race theory for now is relation to Genetic same as Alchemy relation to Chemistry.
But it was strong even in 19-20 century. Blavatsky(she was Rus Empire but she moved to London), and she wrote that(something): In America(north A - the USA) nowadays a new one race is being born - 6 race, that will be content of best attributes of human nature. Evgenik theory, you know, how to get hybrid with all best kinds/attributes from one or several types of humans. But this theory was crushed cuz WW2 and Jews genocide and else. And main that the Genetic sad that it is not work this way. But this ideas is steal alive and find a development of the transhumanism - the modern variant of the race theory. Homo sapience will distincted to sapience(type) and homo deus(type) by Harari.
Also you can read about race of wiki, but it is not the race, it is metanarrative term that has possibility to change it's mean soon.
This is simple about the race. About Ethnicity i ll write later.
Edit. Ethnos.
Ethnos is different to individuum stance concept. One man can't have ethnos, it is similar to german Folk or russian Народ/народность, it is attribute not belong to the one person, but to the group. Group has ethnicity.
That is why the theory of ethnos genesis - ethnology was developed by Russian-Soviet, German, Chinese anthropology/sociology science. Main question of culture/ethnology are different. Culture:"who are they and where they should to go?", ethnology:"where are we(they) from? and what shall we be?". Ethnos is pre-exist to nation. Tradition culture(tradition culture is no same as any other culture, main noun is the tradition, not a culture) used for describing ethnos being: language and literature, all kind modes of life of the ethnic group - housekeeping(house building), feed getting, cloths, family structure, tribe-clan structure... Ethnos describing is about an autonomic "society" - folk, out of republic or global human laws. Folk is free inside itself already...
When an ethnic group integrates in the state/republic laws/freedom structure it is call nation. Nation it is integrated part, connected to external laws/rules, but the group inner stance is ethnic. Ethnic traditions are integrated to law of most west states, that are consist of several nations. Russia and China primarily, India should too, but i don't know ( India have also cast primary structure and maybe it realize it structure from another mechanisms).
E usually needs it own land(*) to have it specific traditions, when E coming off its motherland it lose their roots, and become a nation. When you meet chinese in a city you don't know what part of China they come, but China is not homogenous nation. You may only say - it is chinese, and you hit in race definition. Race definition is depleted concept of ethnos, when you tear an individuum off it roots.
Ofc West scientists, anthropologies, study the tribes inside it natural being, but they have no intent to integrate any tribe with saving it inner structure to the stat structure. Maybe they must free them from thier natural being, to take control of another country's wealth, by the law ofc, but not ethnos law, democracy one. That is why all West influences ends atomisation into rootless individuum for any ethnic structures - divide et impera.
One of the main reason why Stalin made deportation of ethnic groups from the boarders of USSR was ethnic division and mixing. In Eng wiki it called "Population transfer in the Soviet Union", but it wasn't population, it was ethnos dispersion in SU logic.
Ethnic problem is very actually because migrants - people that lose their roots, their ethnicity, but thay still have culture, language, nation, but who are they?
Korea - is the one ethnos, it has shared history, but different the ideology/govt make different nations - South one, and North one. As it longer as more differents in language, but still same kimchi.
So, the race is belong to differences of individuums - body, gens, intellect abilities, human types(racism, evgenik, transhumanism). Race west meaning - when characteristics of one person is applying to the group, and possible to say: he is dog, cat, black, white, dragon, human...
But race east meaning is not so categorized, in Russia still possible to call black-skin person (afro-looking) - негр, this is usually ok and nothing abuse meaning, because in Rus or SU wasn't ever race harassment from govt side (repressions in Rus/China/SU wasn't ever based on the race, nation, or ethnic, but on society or class status, hehe). Lenin was that man who created "nations" inside one state. Racelogy - is an academic discipline in Rus, without any racism moments.
The ethnos is an art of the folk being, individual(not individuum) mind based on language, literature, history, traditions, self-determination and self-roots with ethnic group(real one, not elfs). Something before the culture or nation. Ethnos is not an answer, it is a question: who are they, why thay have this arts?
*The hard question is about nomadic ethnoses, that haven't homeland and migrates all time on huge areas like "mongols", "jews", gypsies... Nikolay Gumilev tried to learn the genesis of Khazars - semi-normadic Turkic(Turkic language) folk. Also he create mystery theory about why folks are appear and disappear - theory of the passionarity("why we be?"-question). This theory is not accepted by the academic society, but his history and ethnology(about Caspian folks) writings are very highly appreciated.