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Is there a philosophical justification for the dichotomy in discimination law?

In the UK, and in many other countries, it is illegal to discriminate on certain personal characteristics in many circumstances, including employment and accommodation. These characteristics include ...
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Comparing Albert Camus and Karl Marx

My brother is lawyer. He likes reading philosophy and writing about law. He wants to find a source about a conflict ideas of revolution as you know Albert Camus and Karl Marx have. He wants to write ...
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“Cannot legislate morality” – principled arguments?

Some time ago, I've read a principled argument about how to fully legislate ethics is pragmatically impossible and also itself unethical (this seems like a contradiction, but the relationship between ...
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Who was first to say that justice is "to give each his due"?

May I know which Greek or Roman philosopher is the first to define justice as "giving each his due"? And what arguments have he put forward to justify this definition?
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