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Greg Nisbet's user avatar
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
Greg Nisbet
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Menlo Park, CA, United States
35 votes

How is the argument "I love all logic, but I don’t love deductive reasoning. Therefore, the moon is made of green cheese." valid?

2 votes

Why is it that the statement "All goblins are yellow" does not contradict the statement "All goblins are pink?"

2 votes

Prove that if S tautological consequence of P, S tautological consequence of Q, then S tautological consequence of P | Q

1 vote

Is it consistent to argue for a properly basic belief?

1 vote

Same vs identical vs equal objects

1 vote

What is the best place for a layman to learn about Modal Logic?

0 votes

Why is any sentence a logical consequence of a set of inconsistent premises?

0 votes

Approximately directed graph of logic types

0 votes

Variant of free logic that accepts domain emptiness but rejects non-referring terms

0 votes

Help needed with predicate interpretations- Wilfrid Hodges logic

0 votes

How can syllogisms with contradictory premises be valid?