Descartes axiom is cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am; and in one view inaugurated a break in European Philosophy towards modernity by propelling it towards a self-conscious rationalism, to which one culminating point would be Sartres Existentialism as a Humanism.
However, when one translates, cogito as man as a thinking substance - this his essence; and then sum as existence; one then gets the medieval formula of essence implies existence; and thus essence before existence; but in medieval theology it is the nature of Gods essence that his essence is existence (he is therefore the self-subsistent and neccessary ground); this, appears then to imply a connection between man and God.
Does this mean, to some degree, that Descartes Philosophy looks back to Medieval Philosophy? As evidence, Spinoza who was Descartian, in his Ethics grounds his interpretation of neo-platonism philosophy in God as the neccessary substance.