A teacher of mine said recently that the USA and UK favor a utilitarian ethical system - but I didn't find any sources supporting this claim.
EDIT To provide additional context: We were talking about the ethical basis of Germany (specifically about this decision of our highest court), which are based on a kantian philosophy. Afterwards he contrasted that to the USA/UK saying that they have utilitaristic ethics implemented. Therefore I'm interested in the initial argumentation/thinking of the founding fathers when they've written the constitution as well important and related decisions of the supreme court.
Therefore my questions: * What exact utilitarian viewpoint did they implement (e.g. Rule Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill) - or is their ethical viewpoint entirely different? * What was the reason they chose this exact ethical viewpoint? Why didn't they choose a Kantian viewpoint or something else? (I'm not sure whether it has something to do with the nationality of the persons involved => whether the USA didn't chose a Kantian ethic because he was German.)