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How Kant's second formulation of the categorical imperative interacts with consent

Kant's second formulation (or the "ends in themselves" formulation) says: use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as ...
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Kant's categorical imperative and casual sex. Why does casual sex necessarily involve using someone as a mere means?

I am writing a paper on Kant's principle and test of universalizability. It seems that the test can allow for morally permissible casual sex (i.e., sex outside the Kantian marriage), e.g., consider ...
tashakinns's user avatar
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We-intentions and the kingdom-of-ends version of the categorical imperative

One of Allen Wood's most finely ground axes was his contention that, notwithstanding certain translations/interpretations of Kant's writings on categorical imperatives, the three primary formulations ...
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