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Why does the ethical doctrine of double effect presume "the bad consequence is not a means to the good consequence"?

I trust it's obvious why this presumption looks as it is supposed to - "the bad consequence IS a means to the good consequence"? Consider Herring's example on p. 169 with the surgeon. If the bad ...
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Does impersonation heighten the evil of an immoral behaviour, perhaps similarly to illegality?

Does impersonation heighten the evil of an immoral behaviour, perhaps similarly to illegality might? I tend to think of just laws doing exactly that, and suspect that impersonating, e.g. by identity ...
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Formal definition of "natural" and "naturalness" for the ethics and moral philosophy of "natural law"?

Every object is the combinatorial combination of atoms (or quarks/gluons/leptons if we dive deeper to the elements). Is there formal definition which combinations of atoms are "natural" and ...
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