What is the meaning of the word 'exist'?
Its etymology reveals it's derived from two Latin words:
- ex = from + ist = is
Thus, its inventor intended it to mean from is.
What did the inventor of the word have in mind?
To answer my questions you need to know what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
In a recent post of mine, I gave the meaning of life as
X is alive iff x is aware x exists or x can become aware x exists.
My use of the word 'is' in that post is equivalent to the binary relation 'is currently'.
If that's the same meaning the inventor of 'exist' had in mind, then
To exist means to be in the current moment in time.
That's my answer, what is yours?
Addendum: It has been suggested that my etymology is wrong, so I would like to defend it.
- The Latin word 'est' sounds like 'ist'.
- The Latin suffix -ere adds 'to' to the verb, to form the present active infinitive verb form.
Cognoscere [Latin]= to know
Credere [Latin]= to believe
Tenere [Latin]= to hold
Today is Friday = Hodie est Veneris.
Est [Latin]= is, it is
Calor [Latin]= heat
Esterecal [Latin]= hysterical= to be hot
As in estrus, estrogen, Easter, etc.
Exestere[Latin]= ex + estere = existere
Existere [Latin]= to exist
- Exist = ex + ist = from + is