My world view is that there is no way to peek behind the curtains of the universe to reveal its truths-- whether spiritual, religious, or even scientific.
I don't think the word to describe this is Skepticism because whether or not I can be certain of all truths is not really the question I am trying to ask. It is irrelevant to me whether or not I can truly know that I and the things and around me exist. I simply recognize that all attempts to quantify the workings of the universe are man-made descriptive models that can, admittedly, be extremely accurate at predicting things but can never attain the stamp of universal truth.
The word I've been using to describe myself so far is Anthropocentric in an attempt to denote the idea that every piece of information or knowledge in the world is the product of human minds, but I feel as if Anthropocentrism additionally attributes a certain spiritual significance to humanity that I wish to avoid. I don't want to rule out the possibility that other organisms can develop and share their own systems of world-outlooks. My only admission is that only the ideas of humanity are the ones we have access to so far.
Is there a word for the school of thought and/or philosophy that holds "humans made it all up," or, more broadly, "citizens/inhabitants of the universe made it all up"?