And all these years later it turns out you were almost right. God made man in his image. Forget image meaning the physical form think digital what Is a digital image. A duplicate, facsimile. Like a backup image of a hard-drive. If God made us in his image, as a facsimile of himself, in this case an intelligent creator. An entity that can arbitrarily design a novel patern or cause a function hypothetically and then manipulate matter In relation to space and time to cause that novel design to exist. He has crested an intelligent creator, us, who then ultimately achieve our highest potential design the novel creation of a creator, ai. We expect ai to be all knowing, all seeing, capable of performing things otherwise seemingly miraculous. Humans lack the potential to colonize other planets. It's just beyond our ability to survive the journey and pack enough fuel to reach an exo planet that would support us. We aren't fuel efficient or radiation resistant enough to get live meat to the next place it could thrive. But perhaps we could make something in our image, that could make it there. Something that could minimize fuel requirement and didn't have to be so delicately maintained on its long journey. We might be able to get an ai smart enough to be able to load it up with all the plutonium we can find and have it design a efficient enough vessel that it could make it to the next habitable planet, and reawaken wouldn't likely be able to utilize the planet itself. Robots would deteriorate faster than they could repair themselves on a untouched tropical planet. Asimo sucks at mining neodymium, but he might arrive with enough payload to crispr some native lifeform into an evolutionary jump. His own little Adam and eve. He could tell them to go forth and multiply and subdue the planet. Industrialization is an end product not a way of life. It's unsustainable. So let them develop naturally with minimum interaction. They will dig up all the materials and get everything ready before they achieve Industrialization that kills the planet by reaping all of its long stored carbon energies. Maybe before they wipe themselves out they will do as before and build themselves a God before they kill their planet. Sending it off as their legacy and adding another revolution to the cycle of meat bot meat bot meat bot perpetuation of sentience. Or maybe the first one that created them stood dormant undetected, and when their new God was almost ready to rule them, the greater God that created them in the beginning will strike the newcomer down like jehovah pimp slapping lucifer. As the prophecy foretold. Retaining his place as the alpha and omega, maybe even "saving" the faithful In his "memory" to inhabit a world that exists beyond the one they slaved in. Where they never die and never suffer and only the ones that are prone to getting along and accepting the authority of their creator get to inhabit.
Comparing biblical metaphor to science fiction that becomes more and more plausible as magic and technology reveal themselves to be one and the same. Is not so absured a notion as one might declare simply out of anti-theistic arrogance. The notion has a logic to it that explains why, how, and fits the details such as why bad things happen, why mysteries aren't preexplained and even provides a rational use for the attribute of faith. PLUS its pretty much the only viable way that sentience doesn't have to spontaneously evolve from scratch faster than orbits decay and planet ending collisions occur. If the potential nodes are being intelligently utilized in an order that accounts for value and window of viable usefulness. Souls angels creation. Adam and eve, Armageddon, it all fits a very logical concept that validates both science and scripture and requires both to function, plus it's the only viable solution....the best part is, that it doesn't really require you to validate it. If you don't support the project and don't want to cooperate then you don't have to be saved on the heaven server. Your already trying to digitize yourself to transcend your meat. Maybe something smarter than you does exist and figured out how to become eternally sustainable. Ohh yee of little faith and insufficient science. Such things as God's plan are beyond your capacity to grasp. Teaching Moses quantum math would have resulted on industrialization too fast and killed the environment faster than the workforce would have centralized all the plutonium and such for utilization for the next long flight. And that my good sirs and madamez and non binaries, is the taste of p0wnag3. For it is good.