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Questions tagged [modal-realism]

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3 votes
1 answer

Is hard free will possible only in "non-prime" worlds?

A "non-prime world" is an abnormal world in modal logic where a disjunction can be true even if none of its disjuncts hold true. So they can be seen as a sort of "impossible" world....
6 votes
2 answers

Why do some philosophers reject modal realism?

To me, modal realism seems particularly parsimonious - it assumes that if our world can exist, then any world that could exist does exist in "total reality", if only because to say "...
1 vote
0 answers

What papers or books should I read in order?

I have been reading literature on modal set theory and am currently reading Putnam's "Mathematics Without Foundations," which is known for being one of the earliest presentations of this ...
2 votes
0 answers

Do universals exist in all possible worlds?

Exactly what it says on the tin: Do abstract objects, like universals for instance, necessarily exist in all possible worlds? To my knowledge, David Lewis held to the opinion that they did (And that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why would modal realist Lewis believe that the answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem is 1/2?

Why is Lewis, of all people, the champion of the halfer position, when modal realism seems to imply the thirder position? The main argument he seems to make for the halfer position is that, although ...