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Questions tagged [use-mention]

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2 votes
5 answers

Can all words be self-denoting?

When we 'mention' a word in a sentence e.g: 'Car' has three letters. We denote it by writing it in apostrophes or quotation marks, however, we still write the word to specify the word, is it in some ...
0 votes
3 answers

cause “for which all causal relations exist”

Suppose there is a cause “for which all causal relations exist”. The cause exists before “all causal relationships exist.” Before “all causal relationships exist,” causal relationships do not exist. ...
4 votes
0 answers

Do use/mention errors actually happen?

It is commonplace to see warnings in introductory philosophy texts about not confusing use and mention, but I can't imagine how any reasonably analytical thinker could make such an error, so I've ...