Reductionism is the idea that knowledge at a higher level can be deduced from the entities and their interaction at a lower level. E.g. the claim that the properties of molecules can be deduced from the properties of atoms, the properties of cells can be deduced from the properties of molecules, . Do theories also have reductionist approach Theory T reduces to theory B when all of the truths of T (including the laws) have been translated into the language of B. Theory T reduces to theory B when all of the laws of T have been derived from those of B. Theory T reduces to theory B when all of the observations explained by T are also explained by B ?
Are theory reductionism and methodological reductionism same thing ?
Important point there are two different types of reductionism one is called methodological reductionism the other one Theory reductionism methodological reductionism is about the properties of the real world it's about taking things apart into smaller things and finding that the smaller things determine the behavior of the whole theory reductionism on the other hand means that you have levels of theories where the higher the emergent levels can be derived from the lower more fundamental levels but in this case a high level does not necessarily mean about large things and a low level does not necessarily mean it's about small things so what type of reductionism is it that has been so successful in the history of science the funny thing is that it's a combination of both methodological reductionism has so far gone hand-in-hand with theory reductionism as we have looked at smaller things we have found more fundamental theories but this does not necessarily have to remain this way there is no reason to think that the next better theory of nature will be found by studying shorter distances just because the two types of reductionism have been tied together for a while does not mean it will remain this way indeed some the biggest currently open problems in physics manifest themselves on large scales not on small scales besides dark energy and dark matter their source of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics they are not in any obvious way short distance phenomena so the next time a particle physicist tries to tell you that we need higher energies to probe shorter distances because that's where progress will come from remind them that methodological reductionism is not the same as Theory reductionism.
Reductionism is the idea that knowledge at a higher level can be deduced from the entities and their interaction at a lower level
- there are multiple meanings to reductionism, and this is one of the stronger ones. There are weaker forms of reductionism. The way I like to phrase it is usually "ontological reductionism" vs "explanatory reductionism". An ontological reductionist need not commit to the idea that all higher level patterns are understandable in terms of lower level stuff, even if it's ontologically true that each instance of them is caused by lower level stuff happening.