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1 answer

Who are some philosophers who explore the possibility/impossibility of the intimacy of understanding others?

Can one ever be understood? When people say “yeah, I feel you” do they really? Is language enough of an outlet to transmit feelings with enough exactitude?
真個しんこ's user avatar
0 votes
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Consequences of thinking nobody is like one's self [closed]

I was wondering if anyone has pondered what the consequences might be of thinking that nobody is like one's self? Thanks.
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Can the act of having certain thoughts be unethical? [duplicate]

On the basis of Western morality, the Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian one, behaviors like killing, betraying, cursing are considered immoral. Christianity imposes that thoughts can be corrupt, therefore ...
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1 vote
1 answer

What are the facts and what is the truth? [duplicate]

As I ask this know; I purely ask this from a social point of view. As in conversations with others. It's a random thought and kinda funny when I started thinking about it. What's a fact? Something ...
Raymyth's user avatar
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