I am from Pakistan. The whole region, called South Asia, has many folk stories in common.
The folk stories usually have main character that can be anybody really. Unlike western stories the main character don't really have any special qualities. Either he/she is how anybody should be or his/her actions are what any average person's actions would be given the situations in the story.
Who the main character deal with have very special and unique characteristics. For example in a fisherman's dealing with a king the king acts like a king, have behavior typical to a king, the fisherman act like any sane person.
When a prince goes on an adventure, he act like how any man with character would act like. Don't lie, don't steal, fill his promises. Don't really have any special skills or anything unique in him. He can very well be a farmer with same normal character everybody should have.
He also don't take any special equipment or knowledge with him that only a prince have access to. The servants he take with him are always lost before the action.
The prince meet typical characters on the way. An old man who ask for some help. Any good man would help him so the prince help him. Then the old man who is now shown to be very wise give the prince valuable advices and some special equipments. The point is, anybody could have get those advices and those equipments by virtue of good character and good deeds.
A giant, a witch, a fairy act like nobody else other than a giant, a witch and a fairy. A giant will always fight, a witch will always trick, a fairy will always take a test first then if passed help. They don't act like anybody else.
Rare Character Development
Neither the main character nor anybody else have character development, almost always. Its very rare that somebody change attitude because of experiences.
There are occassional attitude changes, for example there is a story of a son of a wealthy trader that do change attitude towards spending money once he experienced poverty because of his extravagant life style. However, this is rare.
A prince is how he is since start of story and remains how he is. Kings never change. Women never change, unless they are a witch, a fairy or a princess they are stupid and remain stupid. Old wise man that meet the prince on his quest, witch, fairy and princess remain what they are.
Authority of People In Power Is Not Challenged By The Hero
The hero never challenge authority of a king. There is no Hercules who openly disrespect his king.
The hero go on his quest, do whats necessary for the quest and when returned successfully get some benefit for himself and people of country or just the town or village he lives in. The underlying structure of government is never fought against. Removal of a corrupt wazeer is the most change the system is going to get. Disposing an unjust king is never done unless he is a foreign king and the disposer is of royal blood himself.
Brothers Are Not Like Real Life Brothers
Either they always fight and not mind killing each other, or are very loyal to each other.
Sisters Don't Have Jealousy and Don't Fight
Sisters either don't mind each others business or help each others. There is never sister-to-sister rivalry. There is no theme like cinderalla in east.
Common Folks Are Not Directly Dealt With
Unlike the story of pied piper, in eastern stories the dealing is always with ruler. Every village has a ruler and deal is made with him, not directly with village folks.
Kings Are Not Cheap
Kings are always generous. They give more price for a task than anybody else do, many times more, and happily.
Once a task is done kings never even delay giving the reward. Hero is not repeatedly sent on new tasks unless old one is rewarded, he has rested for a good few years and insist on going. Still, repeated tasks are a rarity.