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Questions tagged [informal-logic]

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4 answers

Can the strength of a non-deductive argument be objectively evaluated?

This question stems from an ongoing discussion I was having with @Bumble (link for anyone interested). There are certain arguments that seem on the face of it very strong. For example, simply seeing ...
Syed's user avatar
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Do informal arguments carry rational weight only if they can be formalized into a deductive, inductive, or abductive argument?

Suppose someone writes an essay in natural language, structured in paragraphs, to argue for a thesis. If this essay cannot be formalized into one or more formal arguments—each adhering to the ...
user80226's user avatar
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What logical fallacy is an accusation of "ad hominem" attacks?

An "ad hominem" attack is a fallacious tactic of deflection and shifting the focus of the argument. Equally so is an accusation of "ad hominem" attacks, where the accuser perceives ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this belief about other people's beliefs paradoxical?

Is the following a paradox? I believe that there are some people who believe in falsities. Is what I believe true? (if what I believe is false, then it must be true)
Adam's user avatar
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11 answers

What fallacy is the belief that we are special because our existence on Earth seems improbable an example of?

People often use the argument that there must be a God, for example, because Earth and the laws of physics are perfectly situated for humans to exist the way we do. However, if Earth, or even the ...
Tori's user avatar
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19 answers

Is 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' a good argument?

I'm hearing the argument X doesn't do Y, people do Y in quite a few guises. For instance, in its original form: Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Presumably, therefore, guns are OK. Cars ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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