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Questions tagged [munchhausens-trilemma]

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2 answers

Does the Munchhausen trilemma allow someone to uphold any belief? [duplicate]

By any belief, I of course do still mean beliefs that are internally consistent, since it would obviously make no sense to believe in square triangles. As per wikipedia, In epistemology, the ...
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Are two persons equally rational in choosing different dogmatic stopping points in their chains of justification as per the Münchhausen trilemma?

In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without ...
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Is everything a gamble?

Is every position in philosophy ultimately a bet or a gamble? Given Munchhausen’s trilemma there is no way to absolutely justify anything. As stated, he thought these were the three ways to prove ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this a fallacy, and if so, which?

P1: My opinions change as a result of brain function P2: Brain function is caused by opinions stored within it (slightly dodgy premise but if you wouldn't mind assuming it to be true, whether it is ...
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