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Questions tagged [circular-reasoning]

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5 answers

Why do some claim that the law of non-contradiction is non-trivially unprovable?

By non-trivially unprovable, I mean that unprovable unless proven by virtue of being an axiom or an inference rule. If a logic has an inference rule or an axiom that is not stated as ¬(A ∧ ¬A), but it ...
user110391's user avatar
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1 answer

Reference request for a formalization of circular arguments

Has any philosopher or mathematician formalized the notion of circular arguments? I know what a circular argument is, informally, but I am wondering if anyone has gave a rigorous definition of it. If ...
user107952's user avatar
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Give advice on justifying belief in the existence of other minds [duplicate]

Solipsism has the fewest entities (only my mind) and therefore it is the most minimal explanation. Does that make it more likely than the existence of other minds? Because other minds offer billions ...
Arnold's user avatar
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Are there circular reasoning in these explanations? [duplicate]

Other people have minds like mine because: 1. Other people have minds like mine: other people are biologically very similar to me the behavior of other people is very similar to my behavior. my ...
Arnold's user avatar
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Is Occam's razor a philosophical application of Occam's razor itself in epistemology? Is it a meta for itself?

I have to apologize for my title but this seems to me the only way I could have articulated this weird intuitive idea I had for the Occam's razor meta-analysis. Usually I tend to analyze things on the ...
How why e's user avatar
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13 answers

Is circular reasoning always a fallacy?

Consider the following dialogue: A: "I accept only one notion of land property. Namely, 'I am doing what I please here, therefore I have ownership here.’” B: "But this means you can break ...
rus9384's user avatar
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