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What are the philosophical arguments for and against modeling hypotheses as Turing machines?

In this answer here, Now we could start with a model of reality, which says that nature randomly picks a process for generating data; the process is obtained by picking a Turing machine at random, ...
Syed's user avatar
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Is there any difference between abduction and induction in Bayesian terms?

In abduction we take some observations and try to find the hypothesis that best explains them. In Bayesian terms this sounds like finding the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate. To a Bayesian, "...
causative's user avatar
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Are there any examples of two theories that accurately describe a phenomenon where the more complex one was found to be correct?

I was reading this answer on how Solomonoff's theory of inductive inference can be used to posit the more correct theory amongst a set that provide the expected "answer", where the shorter, ...
joshperry's user avatar
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What kind of inference do we need to confirm the form of an experimental law?

Imagine scientists observe a linear correlation between two measurable quantities x and y in some type of phenomenon. They induce an experimental law: y=kx. However, the degree of precision of their ...
Quentin Ruyant's user avatar