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Questions tagged [principle-of-non-contradiction]

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4 votes
10 answers

The absolute truth paradox

Read before answering: I don't want to edit the whole question because it has some interesting answers to it the way it is written now. So I will just add this as a tip before answering since many ...
User198's user avatar
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15 votes
12 answers

Why is it that the statement "All goblins are yellow" does not contradict the statement "All goblins are pink?"

From what I know, I think it has something to do with vacuous truths, but my understanding is not quite there yet.
loopzoop's user avatar
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7 answers

Everything must have a cause?

In a possible reality, if something came into existence without something giving rise to it, the fact would be that , there was nothing stopping something from coming into existence without anything ...
loopit's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How do Thomists prove that: "Everything that exists must exist by something."?

One variation of principle of sufficient reason that Thomists use is: Everything that exists must exist by something. How do they prove such a statement? In particular, why can not something just ...
Thom's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is truth-in-a-model understood as consistency-of-discharged-antecedents?

I was trying to understand the thing about connexive logic, the fundamental ideas that ~(A then ~A) and ~(~A then A), or Boethius' playing of the theme, and so on. (One case I couldn't accept: "...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can we know that law of non contradiction is true a priori?

I have seen some arguments for why should we accept law of non contradiction, and it seems to works in almost all areas. But some argument for it is like an argument for principle "nothing comes from ...
Hare Krishna's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What could be some general unifying principles to guide what a philosophical reflection/enquiry might look like?

The notions of logical consistency, pertinence and possibly relevance seem important for a philosophical inquiry on some matter to be fruitful and interesting. Other notions once considered important, ...
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