Linked Questions

15 votes
15 answers

Isn’t everything absurdly improbable?

Isn’t every event by definition improbable in the sense that each event precedes an infinite series of causes that could have (theoretically atleast) been different? We think of someone winning five ...
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9 votes
3 answers

What are the missing pieces that prevents us from deriving the laws of chemistry from physics?

What are the missing pieces that prevents us from deriving the laws of chemistry from physics? People say it's emergent properties, but it's hard to believe that there are emergent properties between ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a theory or alternative or nonconventional explanation to the phenomena of emergence?

Is there a theory or alternative or nonconventional explanation to the phenomena of emergence? Emergence state that we can't predict chemistry or biology from physics alone, because there are ...
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3 votes
3 answers

Have philosophers speculated on how chaotic forces meeting together can result in order?

Have philosophers speculated on how chaotic forces meeting together can result in order? This isn't something that can be proven scientifically, and seems to be in the realm of metaphysics. I am ...
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0 votes
3 answers

What are the alleged reasons for emergence?

What are the alleged reasons for emergence? What explains emergence, what are the philosophical explanations for emergence? Does it indicate that there's gap in our knowledge, does it indicate that it'...
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1 vote
2 answers

References for books/papers about emergentism and reductionism

I am trying to look for resources to deepen some topics presented in this workshop Moving Naturalism Forward. Especially the point on emergence (and secondarily on evolution and determinism, but here ...
Ratman's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Are things "caused" by the butterfly effect actually caused by them?

I once read that even a humble medieval peasant merely had to sneeze to cause events hundreds of years in the future: "Not just Napoleon but the humblest medieval peasant had only to sneeze in ...
user107952's user avatar
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3 answers

Physics and the question of context or environment

This is a reality check type of question. I am interested in whether it's a valid distinction and whether it's been considered by others. It occured to me the other day that the issue of 'context' or '...
Wayfarer's user avatar
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3 answers

A word that encapsulates the strongest aspects of "model" and "theory" (and perhaps "hypothesis")?

I saw What is the difference between a "model" and a "theory"?, where it says, like Wikipedia says, that a scientific theory is a well-tested and thoroughly researched explanation ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Do probability and statistics apply to the decisions of an agent with libertarian free will?

Do probability and statistics apply to libertarian free agents? Can a libertarian free agent have a statistical tendency towards certain decisions? Would it make sense to say, for example, that there ...
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