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I trust people, why should it change?

I trust people. For the small things in life, it helps me, definitely, but when it comes to larger things it is an issue. For instance I recently started to search if I could buy a house. I am not ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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What is the relationship between conceptual engineering and social change?

I am currently doing research on the relationship between projects in conceptual engineering and actual, realized, social change. Of primary interest to me is how, for instance, Haslanger's ...
Mr. Zed's user avatar
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Ethics: Could futurology be employed to accelerate the pace of social reform?

Social injustices tend to be addressed thanks largely to activism conducted by those who are early to identify shortcomings in social attitudes and/or government policy; those affected directly and ...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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Could ethics be grounded in a law of nature?

Assuming that morality is objective, is it possible that the reason there are moral truths (i.e it is wrong to harm children) is because of an undiscovered law of nature (like gravity)?
bob johnson's user avatar
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According to contemporary philosophical theoreies, from what is morality derived and what is it for in the context of society?

In Arabic, we have the concept 'ahlak' which is often translated into english as 'moral', but in fact they are not the same, and so following the principle of exegetical neutrality, I shall simply use ...
Ferkan Zeki's user avatar
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What is the idea that a moral system is ethical if it can function when everyone in a community adheres to it?

What is the ethical paradigm from the title called? To restate the concept in the negative, a moral system would be considered unethical if, when universally adhered to by everyone in a community, ...
TheMisfit's user avatar
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When a person deserves US$120,000 as a salary, is using some technique to pay him $100,000 ethical?

I wonder what "ethical" or "moral" definition or meaning can be used here. Sometimes, we know that for a new graduate or senior software engineer, the market rate should be about $...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
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Arguments on censorship of the internet

I'm looking for philosophical or ethical takes on the question of whether government/companies should intervene/"censor" the internet. Given that today, social networking sites such as ...
jboy's user avatar
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What kind of sexual act is moral?

As far as I know if someone doesn't believe in a divine entity that is the source of morality he/she considers morality to be subjective. He/she believes morality exists to minimize the pain and ...
brainoverflow98's user avatar
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Is there a philosophical framework for deciding on exposing humanity changing technology?

Let us assume, there is an inventor who thinks he/she is possess a humanity altering technology. For example, an artificial intelligence. He/she is also concerned, with possible adverse effects, his/...
Alex's user avatar
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Why is human cloning so controversial while identical twins are an accepted phenomenon?

Suppose an unmarried person A wants a child B. Some theoretical possibilities are (i) adoption, (ii) in vitro fertilization, and (iii) cloning. I wonder why cloning has been universally controversial ...
Long Horn's user avatar
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Are moral standards unchanging?

I've recently read a manga closely related to ethics here. In this manga, the old teacher mentions how our definition of "justice" seems to change from time to time. After afew re-reads, it ...
Abraham's user avatar
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