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33 votes
16 answers

Was Robin Hood's point of view ethically sound?

The story of Robin Hood was a favourite of mine as a child. But as an adult, I am beginning to change my mind for a couple of reasons. The first being that if we assume a free market exists, ...
Adam Ledger's user avatar
16 votes
9 answers

Should I vote for what is best for me or what is best for others?

I live and vote in a constituency where the policies of Party A are better for the long-term success of my business, which determines the material conditions of my well-being and that of my family. ...
luchonacho's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Can the act of having certain thoughts be unethical? [duplicate]

On the basis of Western morality, the Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian one, behaviors like killing, betraying, cursing are considered immoral. Christianity imposes that thoughts can be corrupt, therefore ...
user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Why do we prohibit consensual incestuous relationships?

When talking about sexual relationships between brothers and sisters, our initial intuition might be, “Well that’s just wrong. There’s something immoral about that”. Now, to examine the logic, I ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Is it possible that evolution brought human kind morality?

I've heard this (rather odd imho) statement that evolution, by the need of survival, dictated humans to uphold moral codes in order to survive, thus gaining a moral system. Now, to my understanding, ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
8 votes
12 answers

When is it ethical to be ethical towards the unethical?

Suppose there are some criminals who have no respect for ethics and will lie/cheat/steal/kill whenever they perceive it could gain them some advantage. Suppose that to treat these people with fairness ...
causative's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Where is the line drawn between immoral inactivity and a simple lack of action?

I've heard a lot about the supposed evils about not voting/voting for a 3rd party in recent political discussion here in the States. The reasoning seems to posit that (e.g.) in the Trump/Hillary race, ...
Quirky Trombone's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Does the notion of "moral progress" presuppose the existence of an objective moral standard?

Consider two societies: Society A, which rejects homosexuality, opposes abortion, and endorses slavery, and Society B, which embraces sexual diversity, supports women's right to choose, and rejects ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Discerning among ethics, morality, principles, virtues, and etiquette

Although I have studied these terms in my own language, could anyone possibly explain them in such a way that I could differentiate between them better. I have not gotten their basic difference in a ...
nima's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How should the fair distribution of some goods depend on other-regarding preferences?

I am a welfare economist, working on fairness in economics, and I would like your opinion on some distributional dilemma. Suppose we have the following situation: A country is endowed with some ...
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Democratic ethics - sources for system of ethics determined by democratic principles

Ethics can be seen as a purely social construct, and so being determined by the powerful in the society (John Stuart Mill takes such a view in On Liberty). This view can also be further advanced to ...
SMJoe's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

Unifying property of ethical theories?

Let’s say there are different theories for what the defining properties of “ethicality” are. Some theories think in utilitarian terms and in terms of maximizing subjective goodness or badness (...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should uncontacted peoples have a right to privacy?

I've been reading some of the wikis about the uncontacted peoples of the world and the often repeated attempts to establish contact with a a number of them even after being rebuffed (sometimes ...
coleopterist's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Ethics when breaking non written rule occurs

Breaking non written rules happens all the time. This happens mostly in our private lives and close social circles, which is main source of anger for common peoples. For example, mother gives a ...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it moral to lie to the populace for their own good?

There is a discussion in the History arm of StackExchange that got sidetracked into the merit of brainwashing society for their own good, as advocated in Plato's Republic. IMO that side track deserves ...
Michael's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is evolutionary "morality" really the same thing as human morality?

In a different question I asked, Chris Johns' answer pinpointed exactly why all of the answers didn't satisfy me, so I'd like to ask a follow-up question which will further focus my question - would ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What are the ethical considerations regarding cannibalism?

Cannibalism is generally frowned upon in most of today's societies1. On the other hand, it has happened quite a bit in times of difficulty, and famine aside it was simply common practice in some ...
commando's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Who are some philosophers who explore the possibility/impossibility of the intimacy of understanding others?

Can one ever be understood? When people say “yeah, I feel you” do they really? Is language enough of an outlet to transmit feelings with enough exactitude?
真個しんこ's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How might you apply John Rawls' theory of justice as fairness to the issue of privacy and security?

I'm a bit confused about how to apply John Rawls' theory of Justice as Fairness to the issue of privacy/security. Which statement below is correct? Justice as Fairness does not justify a decrease in ...
stevetronix's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Ethics of involuntary participation in an unethical hegemony

If you're an anticapitalist in the West or Global North you're an unwilling participant in the prevailing hegemony (capitalism), but usually without much choice. You can't find shelter without ...
thosphor's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Morality of perpetuating a "bad" system by doing something "good" within it

I could live and marginally improve other people's lives in a country with an authoritarian, oppressive regime. While doing so, I will pay taxes and will generally increase the chances that this ...
leventov's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can moral objectivism be reconciled with the fact that some unethical behaviors are "human nature"?

A constant argument I've been hearing recently is that people should be forgiven for engaging in unethical behavior if it is "natural" for them to do so. Examples: It's natural for people to be ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Violence vs Sex: Why are we typically more comfortable with graphic violence than explicit sex in gaming, television and film? [closed]

There is an apparent correlation between exposure to violence via the media and gaming, and anxiety, fear, aggression and desensitisation to violence. My observations may be biased or unusual, but it ...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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3 votes
9 answers

How does one argue for "helping others" without any religious context?

I was having a political discussion with roots in philosophy, where I was explaining an idea for a government program which would enforce equal opportunities for children who have poor / parentally ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it ethical to clear and clean the home of an extreme hoarder against his will?

Is it ethical to clear and clean the home of an extreme hoarder against his will? He's an old man, ill in hospital, and badly injured by the part-collapse of his home. He has also been neglecting ...
Luce's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
2 answers

Would it be immoral to duplicate food to resolve world hunger, if food and recipes were copyrighted?

In today's world, copyrighted digital content is considered illegal by most nation's law, and immoral by some as stealing. Digital Content is duplicated through millions of 1's and 0's. There is no ...
Carter81's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are some arguments for judging historical figures by contemporary standards?

I've seen quite a lot of arguments against judging historical figures by modern standards, most representatively by the principle of moral relativism. Is there any argument for it though? The only ...
TomNoook's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

To what degree are we expected to identify/fix others' mistakes?

If someone makes a mistake and they appear to be unaware of it, it seems that there are some situations where we would be expected to point it out, or even directly intercede to fix it. Example 1 I'm ...
John Gordon's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Evolution - how (epistemologically) an instinctive moral is possible?

I've asked a question about how evolution would explain morality, which lead me to a more basic question - if an instinct would tell the group members to act altruistically, where would that instinct ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What's Wrong with Social Darwinism? [closed]

It's a common criticism of Spencer's social Darwinism that it misunderstands the entire theory of evolution and the meaning of "fitness" such that it is commonly exploited to fulfill specific hateful ...
Apodictic Apple Juice's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

is there a civic and/or moral duty or obligation for one to be an 'active citizen in a democracy'? [closed]

reading a post on daily nous the other day, i saw the comment by columbia college chicago professor s. asma that students cannot just learn about game design and digital editing, and not learn about ...
ac15's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What did Dostoyevski mean with his character saying "Without God and the afterlife, all things are allowed"?

Is Dostoyevski making a socially consequential statement--or warning--about a society that turns its back on God? If so, did Russia, his homeland, pay any attention to him?
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do Non Vegetarians not have rights to mourn morally if their beloved ones are killed?

Pleasures for us is pain & suffering for the animals which are slaughtered. When we are causing suffering & pain to others, we lose moral rights to expect not the same ever happened to us. In ...
Mr. Sigma.'s user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Mixing of people and peace [closed]

I would like to know people's opinions on the following philosophical question. Is It necessary for people belonging to different populations to mix in order to ensure peace among them? What is ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Are different conception of morality just new terms for science-friendly versions of religions?

Note: religion is herein defined as "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith". Given that there are multiple mutually exclusive conceptions of morality, both ...
matcheek's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should we place our own good before our nation's good? [closed]

I'm currently writing a screenplay, and one of the philosophical themes arises out of a very specific conflict, with I call: INDIVIDUAL BENEFIT vs STATE BENEFIT. One of the characters sacrifices ...
John F101's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What evidence is there that Arrows Theorem manifests itself in democracies?

Arrows impossibility theorem states: no rank-order voting system can be designed that satisfies these three "fairness" criteria: a. If every voter prefers alternative X over alternative Y, ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Who else has explored the ‘cad problem’?

Is there anything in philosophy (presumably ethics) that specifically explores what I’ve called the “cad problem”. Simply put, how should an individual (or a distinct group) that focuses on self ...
bodacious's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it ethically OK to read letters of a dead person, that were not addressed to you?

I hope, this stackexchange site, is the right one for this topic, because I have more of a morality/ethics question than plain philosophy. I've been researching my family history for quite some time ...
s137's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is there injustice in division of labour?

The division of labour is a "micro-level" as well as a societal phenomenon. It means that different individuals are "coerced" into doing different parts of larger projects and that the labour is ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the moral difference between saving a life and creating a life?

In modern society, a lot of people think that giving birth is either wrong if it leads to some suffering or at the very least non-morally optional. However, saving a life is considered good. Why is ...
HelpMePlease's user avatar
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0 answers

I trust people, why should it change?

I trust people. For the small things in life, it helps me, definitely, but when it comes to larger things it is an issue. For instance I recently started to search if I could buy a house. I am not ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it ethical to impose ethical values on others? [closed]

The question is motivated by reading the discussions on veganism: Is 'veganism' a settled issue in Philosophy and Ethics? Why is it okay to eat meat but not to be cruel to animals? While these threads ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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1 answer

What is the relationship between conceptual engineering and social change?

I am currently doing research on the relationship between projects in conceptual engineering and actual, realized, social change. Of primary interest to me is how, for instance, Haslanger's ...
Mr. Zed's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

If the atoms of a person's body change every x number of years, should the person be prosecuted today for a crime that he/she committed x years ago?

I saw this question somewhere in the Internet(I forgot the source) and I think this forum is a good place to ask it. According to what I know, the atoms in a persons body are replaced every certain ...
user63152's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Does anti-discrimination contradict free will?

Does anti-discrimination imposed by laws, or as a universally held position and imposed by society, contradict the idea of free will? Take for example: In a business context, choosing to not ...
Yassine Marzougui's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Who were the famous moral nihilists (philosophers) of 20th and 19th century?

If existential nihilism claims nothing has meaning does it also take moral values in to account?
Pallab Behari Chaklanabis's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

When is it okay to criticize someone?

Both in my family life and in politics, I see people running into the following dilemma. Some entity (a person, or an organization, or a country) is doing something that someone sees as wrong. So, ...
Pro Q's user avatar
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2 answers

Who is selfish?

Am I selfish if I choose not, or do not want, to help others? Example: A friend asked me write a piece of code, ignoring everything else. I did not want to do it. We were not competing and there was ...
Salik's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the difference between a threat and a contract?

Here are a few social situations: Situation A: A hungry person goes into a shop. The shopkeeper offers to give him food, but on condition that he receives money. Situation B: An unemployed person ...
Sourte's user avatar
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