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Hal's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

What does *substantive* in the term 'substantive normative claim' mean?

4 votes

Is the Turing test a legitimate test to compare Robots to Human?

4 votes

Which signs indicate consciousness in other beings?

3 votes

What kind of universe would there be with entirely different physical laws?

2 votes

Can we measure the effort to create a mathematical theory in terms of energy?

2 votes

Is human consciousness encoded in DNA in an infinitely regressive way?

2 votes

How do you treat retailers without using them as a means?

1 vote

Is the existence or not of extraterrestrial life a philosophical question?

1 vote

Is a couple living in symbiosis?

1 vote

Ought we respect the privacy of the deceased?

0 votes

Is brevity the soul of wit?

-2 votes

Are we necessarily born with innate knowledge?