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How do virtue ethics and utilitarianism compare on the issue of disconnecting life-support?

Medical miracles are always possible. We know this because they happen. Excluding them, is a flawed assumption, and makes the thinking here invalid if applies to our world. I will not accept your ...
Dcleve's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment. What you take from it, depends on your own processes of consideration of it. David Chalmers has a very similar thought experiment he calls 'Fading Qualia' ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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How do virtue ethics and utilitarianism compare on the issue of disconnecting life-support?

The devil is always in the details. With moral questions this means: the devil is in the exact circumstances. For instance, what evidence is there that the patient is not conscious (we better be ...
mudskipper's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

One way to cut the Gordian Knot of identity is with the math / physics concept of a "world line". Applied to a particle, which in every sense is not unique or identifiable, it says that a ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

applying Theseus's paradox are we constantly different because our body must go through killing, replacing and removing cells which is alike to a continual process of replacing the parts of Theseus's ...
user4574's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

If someone gets an artificial leg or gets a heart transplant, we'd still consider them the "same" person. The reason for this is probably less about the ship of Theseus and more about us ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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5 votes

Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death? No. The Ship of Theseus is a general observation about how larger entities are made up of smaller entities, and that ...
AnoE's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

No I give you a counterexample. My mother recently passed away. Apart from very minor changes her body was the same from the instant before her death to the instant immediately after; yet she was no ...
Dale M's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

From a strictly physical point of view, a key difference between a human body and the ship, whose parts are replaced one by one, is that all the cells in a human body are linked together through the ...
Peter Rankin's user avatar
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Does the ship of Theseus have any impact on our perspective of life and death?

through this light who am I and who is anyone else for that matter, does the essence of our identity lie in the arrangement of the building blocks, Yes to that. but if so then doesn't this solve ...
Alistair Riddoch's user avatar
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Are there any refutations to the Generic subjective continuity theory?

I don't know about the GSC, but this is indeed the case if Open Individualism is true. However, the "I" here that experiences all conscious experiences is not the particular human person ...
Edralis's user avatar

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