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Looking for a Nietzsche quote!

Are you sure that it is an authentic Nietzsche quote? I have read Nietzsche in full in german (several times, including his estate) and I can tell you that it doesn't sound like Nietzsche, and I can't ...
tenebris's user avatar
2 votes

What is truth of life?

The only reason we exist is to make (presumably) improved copies of ourselves, and then fall over dead. That's the true answer to your question.
Miss Understands's user avatar
2 votes

Sacrifice an important person to save the world or sacrifice the whole world to study an important person?

In this situation, you seem to have no capacity to do right. You are either killing many or you are killing one. Neither is good. If you are directly causally responsible for the deaths in both ...
Paul Ross's user avatar
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Sacrifice an important person to save the world or sacrifice the whole world to study an important person?

I mean saving that person won't be much good if the world is gone*; You'd both die very quickly (you didn't say you were immortal). *There are two interpretaions of "sacrifice the world" ...
rahul's user avatar
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Sacrifice an important person to save the world or sacrifice the whole world to study an important person?

Whether you like it or not, the World operates in such a way that you cannot be in a position to have such a delima. And if you could be in such a position, then you wouldn't have that delima.
Ioannis Paizis's user avatar
1 vote

Sacrifice an important person to save the world or sacrifice the whole world to study an important person?

From a philosophical point of view you may answer your question in the light of the categorical imperative of Kant: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Does naturalism predict the rarity of life better than theism?

Your question is not well thought thru. Asking a better question would give you a better answer, which I will try to provide for this poorly formed question. IF one postulates that our universe were ...
Dcleve's user avatar
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Does naturalism predict the rarity of life better than theism?

No. Atheism is the claim that there is no god, not the claim that the entire universe was not just filled with lemmings two seconds ago. That most atheists are not lemmingists is irrelevant: the ...
g s's user avatar
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Does naturalism predict the rarity of life better than theism?

It depends on the kind of theism being considered. For instance, Einstein was comfortable believing in the God of Spinoza in light of the evidence of nature, but this is a distinctly different ...
user80226's user avatar
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How can we evaluate the probability of intelligent life forms existing on other planets?

If popular culture thinks it's likely then it seems to be informed by science. A lot of scientists thnk that there is intelligent life out there. Most attempts to evaluate the probability of ...
Philomath's user avatar
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Connections between Stokes' Theorem, information theory, and the definition of life/Intelligence

CosmicGenis's user avatar

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