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3 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

Summary You are misunderstanding the purpose of the dialog. It is in context of a conflict between worldviews. All worldviews are self-reinforcing memeplexes, which are intrinsically stable because ...
Dcleve's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

I would say that you can't describe phenomenological experience of your mind in physiological terms, look up for qualia. Love is not really a chemical reaction, it is about your attention to something ...
Rodion's user avatar
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5 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

According to Lisa Feldman Barrett's theory of constructed emotion, love isn't a pre-programmed emotion in the brain, but rather a complex experience constructed in the moment based on our past ...
Philomath's user avatar
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5 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

So your actual question is about love, so I will disregard the "free will" part of your quote, which doesn't belong in the question. You can't measure love, hey? So, I would hope that ...
causative's user avatar
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-1 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

The rise of the "Enlightenment" movement (18th century), although progressive at the time, became stubbornly retrograde nowadays. Hundred years ago, Lenin was saying that consistent ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
5 votes

Is the experience of love evidence that we are more than bodies and brain chemistry?

I see nothing that indicates more than biochemistry and experience and individual variation is required to "explain" love. Remember that "purely physical" includes information ...
keshlam's user avatar
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