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Questions tagged [holism]

The body is more than the sum of its organs, life is more than a succession of experiences, the federation is greater than a cooperation of states. These ideas, and more (pun intended), are various flavors of Holism. Use this tag when the parts of a system should be considered a whole, or when synergy is a primary concern.

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What is Carnap’s “Principle of Tolerance”, and how did Quine reject it?

Carnap’s Principle of Tolerance and Quine’s Objections Carnap holds that the role of philosophy is to analyze and clarify the language of science, and to formulate and recommend alternative languages. ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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2 answers

Do we breakdown an explanation of the world into reductionism and holism?

We breakdown the world with an explanation of the truth, in having two schools of approach, the reductionist approach and the holistic approach. Is there another approach? Will both approaches arrive ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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Do contradictions rule out holism and vice versa, and pluralism?

Quine has a holism (based in radical empiricism) that is very appealing. It's a significant part of his Two Dogmas of Empiricism, which many say is the most significant philosophical work in the 20th ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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3 answers

How do classical liberals reconcile individualism with nationalism?

Classical liberals are basically supporting individualism and a small government (Locke, Hayek, Friedman). The small government being there to insure basic services such as the military, the police, ...
Starckman's user avatar
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4 answers

Are the concepts of reductionism and first principles the same?

Are reductionism and foundationalism(first principle)the same thing, or at least highly similar even if different? The first-principles approach is the same as deducing all knowledge claims from ...
quanity's user avatar
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4 answers

Hard stuff made easy?

There is a philosophical assumption, inspired by educational didactics, which consists of thinking that any concept, no matter how intricate, can be presented in simple words and easily understood if ...
Davius's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there any conflict with Holism and equals and plus signs of mathematics?

Edit - better phrasing/summary: Maybe this phrasing helps "the same object expressed in different ways". That's one meaning behind 'equals'. 10 = 1+...4 --> 10 really is 1+...4. So if ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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To what extent is the notion of "common" of philosophical interest?

The 2021 theme for a french competitive philosophical exam is: "the common". I'm not sure the expression really makes sense in English. In French, it is the adjective "commun" ( ...
Floridus Floridi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Was Jan Smuts the father of Holism?

With reference: Jan C. Smuts, Holism and Evolution With what I've found so far it seems he has had an enormous impact on the world that we have, so: Is ...
christo183's user avatar
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