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20 votes

Is economics a science?

Welcome to the demarcation problem of science. What is this thing called science? In lower levels of education, one is often given the impression that 'science', whatever that may be, exists as a ...
J D's user avatar
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9 votes

Is economics a science?

What is Science? The Popperian view of science is that a claim is "scientific" if it can be falsified. Science cannot prove that a hypothesis is true, only that it is manifestly false. If economics ...
Lawnmower Man's user avatar
6 votes

What is Money, (not money)?

Aristotle in the Politics wrote about the nature of money, and his views remained highly influential at least until the end of the 19th century. According to Aristotle the purpose (telos) of money is ...
Bumble's user avatar
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5 votes

Marxism - primary contradiction of capitalism

how is it exactly that private property of means of production (the relations of production) and a socialized production (the productive forces) through the development of capitalism and an ...
Luís Henrique's user avatar
5 votes

Isn't socialism a form of democracy?

It's a common misconception to think the terms socialism and communism were not used as terms before Marx and Engels. They were. It's even more common to think they gave them clear unambiguous ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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5 votes

Does determinism nullify the science of economics?

The science of economics is based on the assumption that people can make choices Is it? Economics is based on the assumption observation that people behave in certain predictable ways, and that man-...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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4 votes

Is economics a science?

Wikipedia says Natural science is concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation. It can be ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
4 votes

On capturing the concept of eudaimonia empirically

The concept of eudaimonia has traditionally been studied in philosophy, rather than in the empirical social sciences. It has been seen as a normative concept, that is, a concept that tells us how we ...
CodingClown's user avatar
4 votes

Is this a good argument for why societies tend towards maximum employment?

The basic reason for continued employment is that humanity has a very long list of tasks it needs/wants doing that are increasingly hard to automate. As the highest priorities at the top of the list ...
Nullius in Verba's user avatar
4 votes

Is Tipping Morally Justifiable?

I am not a utilitarian by any means, but I'll give this a shot. The short answer is yes, I think it would be morally justifiable under utilitarianism. I doubt that the practice of tipping is the last ...
edelex's user avatar
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3 votes

What responses have there been to Mises' theory of praxeology?

My question is, have there been any critiques of Mises' praxeological theory? Sure. None have been successful though. 1 He who wants to attack a praxeological theorem has to trace it back, step ...
Conza's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Multidimensional value money

Actually money is a promise of future labor that we produce and exchange in a consensus. The engineering of this consensus has been the real condition of human development.
Nova Lova's user avatar
3 votes

Marxism - primary contradiction of capitalism

I suppose @Atif is not quite right in saying "Makers of wealth are not the workers alone (as Communism think)". Communism says that wealth is the result of human labor. And that's all. If an ...
Alex Ilyin's user avatar
3 votes

Is economics a science?

I fear, there is a misunderstanding about the meaning of "scientific". An experiment is one method in a lot different methods as a scientific approach. (And there are a lot experiments in economics ...
Trendfischer's user avatar
3 votes

Is economics a science?

You wrote, ... I made the argument that economics is not science, because it cannot undertake repeatable experiments. I'd like to take issue with the view that the ability to undertake repeatable ...
Mico's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do economists say that growth is necessary?

economies must grow to furnish the growing needs of a growing population. A stagnant economy chained to a growing population means poverty, or extreme income disparity, or both.
niels nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Could the Praxeology of the ASoE win the battle against the scientist agenda?

George Reisman, who agrees with most of the Austrian economists' economic ideas, disagrees with praxeology. Reisman's position is that economics is about how wealth is created under the division of ...
alanf's user avatar
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3 votes

Does determinism nullify the science of economics?

Your question muddies the water a little because it assumes that determinism entails a complete lack of free will (common consensus is that it doesn't), but here's 2 ideas: Compatibilism - 'free will' ...
JNC4's user avatar
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3 votes

Does determinism nullify the science of economics?

does determinism nullify the science of To someone making an empirical model, there's no difference between the statements "the system will behave as if [description]" and "[...
g s's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there such a thing as the philosophy of economics, and if so, can I read some texts on it?

Joon Chang's excellent and accessible Economics: The User's Guide discusses many of the various schools of economics, which he regards not as completing claimants to any scientific truth — for he ...
h_undatus's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are Objectivists against Socialism?

There are a lot of false premises in this question. (As Rand would say, "check your premises".) Firstly, it is not true that socialism is usually supported by the lower classes, or that ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it immoral to pay taxes if your government conducts immoral activities?

The person above is claiming that it is immoral NOT to support state sponsored mass murder. It doesn't matter if you believe you benefit from taxes. That does not make paying for killing any less ...
420blazeit's user avatar
2 votes

Mass surveillance and the concealed subject of power

You say the sovereign subject is unable to be perceived because we are immersed in language and the spectacle, if I read you correctly. Could we then unmask the sovereign subject if we observed the ...
Ethan NOPE's user avatar
2 votes

Does capitalism have an end goal?

According to Marx, who remains one of the most astute and comprehensive critics of Capitalism, it is a system of social organization that has only the abstract quantitative "goal" of the ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

What's the purpose of economics / How is economics useful to humans?

Also, if someone thinks this is prone to being opinion-based, then what exactly makes some economic thought non-opinion? I have the view that not all economics is on par with empirical natural science ...
alanf's user avatar
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2 votes

What is Money, (not money)?

The characteristic that sets money apart from other goods is that it is accepted and offered as a medium of exchange. Other properties of money, like being a store of value or medium of deferred ...
alanf's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the purpose of economics / How is economics useful to humans?

I'm not an economist, but here's how I see it... Fundamentally, economics arises because of the following: People want things. There aren't enough things for everybody to have as much as they want. ...
Bumble's user avatar
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2 votes

Scenario in which society is better off by someone breaking a rule?

Personal space is a convention rather than a law, still it is good for society that people respect each others persons. Not touching, pressing in close, etc. Yet there are times when it is good to ...
Patrick O'Hara's user avatar
2 votes

Are there objective-criteria for criticizing people's "market behavior"?

I will try to focus on answering the direct question in the first sentence. We may use game theory to criticise the market behaviour of a participant. Consider a market that consists only of item a ...
ActionEconomy's user avatar
2 votes

Kant's disjunctive judgement and neoliberalism

Neoliberalism takes it point of departure from Milton Friedmanns evocation of the market as the primary arbiter of the political-economic realm. Its very different from classical liberalism which one ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar

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