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Logic and critical thinking [closed]

I'm a rising college freshman who's thinking of taking up philosophy as a major. However, I have a serious difficulty. I dont know how to argue, because I don't know how to think critically. I have ...
dreamerinavoid's user avatar
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What are the main terms and their (relatively) proper definitions that a beginner in metaphysics/philosophy should know of?

I've recently come across many intelligent individuals in the field of metaphysics. Their intellectual prowess impressed me; since their field of expertise informs all other fields, they demonstrated ...
ashadow4u's user avatar
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Logic of 'nothing but'

What is the logical analysis of propositions such as 'Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better'?
Simon Noriega-Olmos's user avatar
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Statements about emotions

I have a quote from Ayer's "Language, truth and logic": If now I generalize my previous statement and say, ‘Stealing money is wrong,’ I produce a sentence which has no factual meaning – ...
Егор Галыкин's user avatar
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Analytically, what is the difference between the essay questions: "What does it mean to argue that X?", and "Is it the case that X?"

I'm trying to work out the best way to approach this (3rd year undergraduate) essay titled in the form "What does it mean to argue that X?", and I'm having difficulty expressing a case for ...
howard_roark's user avatar
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In the context of Frege, what is the idea behind conceptual analysis in simple words?

I am reading this Stanford entry behind the Hilbert-Frege debate. I get confused everytime the phrase "Conceptual Analysis mentioned". Here are some extracts: The idea that Frege takes ...
Brian's user avatar
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Why doesn't a conceptual analysis depend upon necessity?

It makes sense to me that when proposing an analysis of a property we should be certain about what that analysis is. To achieve this certainty I think that necessity would be the ideal way to ...
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What decides when a conceptual analysis is 'complete'?

When an analysis of a concept is given like "A bachelor is an unmarried male." How is it decided if the analysis is correct and complete? Is there any way we can 'check' an analysis?
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How to perform a conceptual analysis?

What is conceptual analysis and how do we perform it? An example of the kind of conceptual analysis I'm talking about is the analysis of the property of being a bachelor into the property of being ...
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Which question is right for functional analysis?

I'm trying to understand functional analysis (Cummins, R. view) but i'm confused about how to perform it, which questions to ask. "The Analytical Strategy proceeds by analyzing a disposition ...
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Is conceptual analysis recursive?

For example given the explanandum "the kettle has the ability to boil water" analyzed into a set of explananas: 1. "the kettle has the ability to store water" 2. "the kettle ...
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Wouldn’t analysis still be useful with a naturalized notion of contradiction?

I wonder why analysis receives so much attention when it’s very narrow with how we experience the world. That is its focus on logical and mathematical proofs. One reason for this focus must be its ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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Paradox of analysis - what's wrong with this solution?

Reading about the paradox of analysis here: Instead of the brother=male sibling example given in the article, suppose we use "triangle" instead. So ...
Ameet Sharma's user avatar
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Universal Analytic Framework [closed]

I've been working on a philosophical framework called Universal Analytic Framework. This is actually a personal philosophical project. I am in the process of designing a framework that has fluidity, ...
user43163's user avatar
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Why does Kant say that some imperatives are analytically justified?

In the Groundwork and the second Critique, IIRC, Kant for some reason tries to explain the "argument" for the categorical imperative as synthetic a priori. He does this not just for assertoric forms ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar