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tkruse's user avatar
tkruse's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Tokyo, Japan
49 votes

Are protests in a democracy ethical?

18 votes

Can LLMs have intention?

17 votes

Does Intelligent Design fulfill the necessary criteria to be recognized as a scientific theory?

16 votes

Does a sentence exist if it is not written, spoken, or even thought of?

15 votes

What made scientists think that chemistry is reducible to physics and when did that happen?

14 votes

How well does the following argument work as a counter towards unfalsifiable supernatural claims?

12 votes

Can we choose to believe in God?

12 votes

I work from home as a software engineer and my job is happy with my performance. But I'm putting in little effort. Am I a bad person or employee?

11 votes

Should I put my dog down to help the homeless?

10 votes

Is free will skepticism self-refuting?

10 votes

Is belief in abiogenesis justified under evidentialism and process reliabilism?

9 votes

Are there any fallacies in arguments for design from DNA?

8 votes

Is the pi constant the proof of the Demiurge's existence?

8 votes

Nietzsche doesn't believe in free will nor in "non-free will". How come?

8 votes

Are emotional aspects considered in the utilitarian standard of morality?

8 votes

Do you need to know the exact definition of a word to correctly apply it?

7 votes

How can theoretical disagreements between competing religious worldviews or "theories" be settled?

7 votes

Why does the “fine tuned universe” imply design?

7 votes

What is the definition of WILL? (not free will)

7 votes

If we encounter what appears to be an advanced extraterrestrial technological device, would the claim that it was designed be falsifiable?

7 votes

Is there a general theory of intelligence and design that would allow us to detect the presence of design in an object based solely on its properties?

7 votes

Does Intelligent Design (ID) entail an infinite regress of designers, and if so, is that problematic?

7 votes

What is the point of "what is the point?" argument in re determinism?

7 votes

Do images have propositional content?

6 votes

Isn't an appeal to emotions in fact necessary to validate our ethical decisions?

6 votes

Do repeating prime number sequences ever occur in nature? That is, would their occurrence be de facto proof of intelligence?

5 votes

Do we have volitional control over our level of skepticism?

5 votes

Who‘s to say that beliefs held because of rational reasons are indeed more justified than beliefs held because of emotional ones

5 votes

To what extent can quantum indeterminancy be held to contribute to macroscopic randomness?

5 votes

Why is creationism even an issue?

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